
The Root of the Name Wülpern

Some News about the Name Wölpern below

The following description I received from my Coisin (9th. connection) Beverly Petersen, She found out this details with lot of fun , I think.

Thanks a lot for this research.

My Great-Granduncle 2.connection Hinrich Wölpern from Bremervörde made a Familyresearch of his tree, The combination all of the Tree´s is the result, you can see in my homepage. Many thanks to him, too


The family name Woelpern (Wolpern, Wulpern) and other similar spellings, is on of the oldest family names names found recorded in Historical records of Germany (such as in the "Familienkunde des alten Amtes Harsfeid" by Heinrich Borstelmann.

The family name was known long before the 30 years war (1618-1648).

It was Wulpern in 1386 as well as Wolper and Wulper:

Henneke Wulbers built good works before 1386 in KLEIN FREDENBECK (Statdtbucher).

In 1570 Wilhelm Wolpern of Issendorf was Baumann.

In 1597 Marten Wolpers of Mulsum had 4 house builders and 2 horses.

In 1710 Johann Wulbern was known in Essel and Borstel.

In 1756 Christian Wulper is recorded.

The family name Wulbern was known within the boundaries of the state of Bremen ain the 1600's.

In 1450, the name Wolpers was known in Salzhausen as well as in the offices of the church in Wedel and in 1628 in Garisdorf.

In 1639 it was Wolbern in the office at Bederkesa.



The following Wülpern emigrated to Amerika:

Claus Wülpern b. 01.Sept.1856 to Amerika 1.May 1881

Johann Hinrich Wülpern b. 9.9.1853 to N.Y. USA 27.July.1871

A daughter of Jürgen Peper from Hesedorf, married with Catherine Margarethe Wölpern, to Amerika ,date unknown

Anna Catherina Wülpern b. 14.03.1872 to Amerika 1887.

If someone knows something about these Wülperns, please tell me.Here my adress: hans at hermann-wuelpern.de

And there is 15 km near to Leipzig (north-east) a small Village named Wölpern (Part of Eilenburg). This Name has a History that is older than 1200 Years...

The 3rd of Okt.2000 I visited this Village. There are living about 200 people. I talked with the owner of the pup "Gasthof Wölpern" Mrs. Schüritz. She told me, that long times ago, lots of wulfes lived at this place. Then she said, the name comes from Slavonic and has different names like Wölperitze or Wölperitsche. In this village does not exist the Familyname Wölpern.

Some pictures coming soon......


I hope , that the historian will give more Information about the Root of this Name to me.

  All these differing samples of the family name are found in old German language records such as Wolbero and Wulfbert

Wolf is from the Old High German and Wulf is from the Old Saxon Language; are down to earth names, seemingly coming from Wolfbern (old High German) or Wulfbern (Old Saxon) meaning "brown wolf".

Many of the variations of spelling may be attributed to handwritting obscurities which, when copied produced differing duplications.

In the years following, many additional records show the family name narrowing down to either Wolpern or Wulpern, Old High German or Old Saxon spelling. Also the use of printing presses elimated mistakes when copies of the family name were made.

Even before these dates, the names: WoellPerne show up in Old Hollander Coats of Arms records.

this I found in historic books:

"WÖLBER, WOLBER (Hbg) ist der altsächs. Pers.N. Wol-bero: vgl. Wolbero Plukkevel 1172 Köln.

Häufiger war Wol-,Wul-bern (Alt-Bremen, Hbg, Stade, Ro.): heute WÖLBERN, WÜLBERN ( -ber, bern = "Bär").

Das Partonym WOLBERS, WOLPERS (vgl. Albers: Alpers) gehört zu WOLBERT, WOLPERT, Wölpert, urkundl. Wol, Wul-bert, Wol-brecht; Wolbert Wolberdes 1532 Hi. Paye Wolbersen 1593 Husum. "

"WÜLBERN (Hbg) ist der altsächs.-fries. Pers.N. Wul-bern (Wol-bern), so bezeugt in Hbg. 1255, Ro um 1260, Stade um 1300 (dominus Wulbernus Verse).

Wolbernus 1298 Bremen. Wolbernus monoculus 13. Jh. Ro. Patronym ist Henneke Wulbering 1428 Oldbg, wie Wolbring 1385 Bremen (evtl. zu Wolberding)

Kf. ist Wülbe, Wölbe: Wulbo 1257 Ro, Wulbe Eyneken 1477 Friesld. WULBRAND, Wolbrand, Wöhlbrand.

Zu Wohl-, Wöhlbrand fand ich noch folgenden Hinweis:

"brand= "flammendes Schwert", wie in Wilbrand, Albrand, Hildebrand, Gerbrand. Vgl. Wulbrandus (Wulbernus) humularius um 1275 Ro. (brand und bern gehen urkundl. leicht durcheinander)"

Aber : es geht ja noch weiter:

Zu der Schreibweise "Wulpen" fand ich folgenden Eintrag:

"Wulpis. 1)Wulpen, ehemalige Insel an der Küste des zeeländischen Flanders, bei Kadzand . 2) Wulpen, Prov. Westflandern, nö. von Veurne;

Wulpia Warnkönig, Hist. de Bruges 467 ca. a. 1190"

Namesforscher Prof. Dr. Uhdolph gab folgenden Hinweis:

das ü in Wülpern könnte eine umgangssprachliche Wandlung des i sein ( wie immer zu ümmer, oder Kirche zu Kürche). D. h. Wülpern könnte aus Wilpern, Wilbern entstanden sein.

Dazu fand ich dann folgende Einträge:

Es handelt sich um einen Schriftzug auf einem Taufbecken gestiftet vom Heiligen Wilbernus im DOM zu Osnabrück.

Übersetzt von Gisela Monthofer

Einst entstand das Sakrament durch das Wasser, das natürliche Element. (die 26 Wasser kann ich nicht zuordnen. Kulturelle-religiöse Bedeutung?) Es beschäftigt sich mit dem Begriff der Stärke (Tugend, Kraft), das Geschenk der Rettung (unserer Seele(n)): Denn es geht zurück zum Leben, neu und alt . Adam ist zugrundegegangen. Er (sie, es) wird getauft (???) Johannes der Täufer hl. Petrus hl. Paulus der Engel des Herrn Wilbernus, P. macht Dir dies zum Geschenk, um durch Dich das Höchste zu besitzen und das Gute zu haben. Gerard hat mich gemacht.